I wrote several introductory texts.
All suck... more or less.
And one day, i wrote a superb text !
There was all that was needed.
An explanation, not too heavy.
A little bit poetic but without pathos.
All suck... more or less.
And one day, i wrote a superb text !
There was all that was needed.
An explanation, not too heavy.
A little bit poetic but without pathos.
I didn't save it..
it cannot be found.
A month ago, i did a photo-shooting on the street for a project.
A month ago, i did a photo-shooting on the street for a project.
I got to talked with two ladies. From a certain age.
One asked : "What is happening in Syria, that doesnt touch you? To see these kids who come to gather and do, just via internet "
I told her nothing at all.
But I told to myself "she had nothing to teach me the old-grumpy-woman. I know what I want to do. "
When you go to the museum, or when you walk down the street
there is, sometimes, an "idea" that you qualifies as "stupid".
For example, every day, I choose a body part.
And I only watch this part of the body of passersby.
The nose, left ear, feet, ass, hair.
It's stupid.
This is not a ritual.
It's just something stupid.
But this thing, this little thing made me realize that we were plurals.
See 10,000 noses per day.
Two years ago,
I asked people what made them feel alive.
I collected a lot of answers.
and by the way, i collected a lot of photos of hands too.
A friend, a week ago, told me that for 3 years, he collected the dusts from the walls.
I was born in a country, my father is from another, and I live in another-another country.
Lose the usual meaning of things.
A friend, who lives miles away, wanted to share a moment he spent with a dancer.
Well, all full of stories to tell that.
We can do.
It is just, enough.
The chinese boy in the bathtub.
That is the metaphor of this project.
When I was little, when I was taking my bath, I used to say that there was a chinese boy, who was also taking his bath, and saying "there is a french girl, who is taking a bath and thinks of me. "
« do it do it do it do it now say it say it say it say it now »
Alexis Taylor.
« Use them wisely, use them well and you'll never know the hell of loneliness »
Ron & Russel Mael